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FileOpen Systems Inc.
877 Cedar Street, Suite 150
Santa Cruz, CA 95060
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This form is for licensed customers of FileOpen encryption products.
If you have received a FileOpen-encrypted document and cannot open it, you should contact the publisher/document owner to obtain permissions or technical support. FileOpen employees cannot provide document access or technical support on behalf of our customers.
Completing this form is the best way to receive technical support. Complete inquiries will be answered within one business day.
Partner Inquiry
We Work with OEM, VAR and Channel Partners
FileOpen document rights management technology was designed to work with standard document formats and viewers. Our open architecture, encryption library and API allow our technology and resale partners worldwide to customize and integration FileOpen DRM with their solutions.
As a certified Adobe Security Partner with an active Reader Key Integration License (RIKLA) since 1998, FileOpen Systems one of a select group of companies licensed as a "security handler" in Adobe Reader and Adobe Acrobat. We also work with 3rd party PDF viewers to authenticate users and manage permissions in their applications.
We welcome international partners who have customers in need of document rights management technology in their local markets. The FileOpen dashboard and client messages can all be translated into the language of your region, and we encourage customization for specific markets.