Issue with Windows 11 24H2 update:


Note: Since the release of the B1010 Client the information below is no longer relevant except to enable older versions. We recommend installing the B1010 Client, which works in Win11 24H2 without modification. 


We have confirmed that there is an issue with Acrobat and the FileOpen Client under the new Windows 11 24H2 release. Adobe has also reproduced the behavior and issued Case ID  E-001400264.


The issue appears to be related to an Acrobat security feature called “AppContainer” which is blocking interprocess communication between the FileOpen plug-in and the FileOpen Broker process. It appears that some element of the Microsoft update has affected Adobe’s implementation. We are currently waiting for Adobe Engineering to give us an update.


The issue manifests as Acrobat/Reader not starting up after the 24H2 update.  


There are two workarounds that we know of:


  • Set Acrobat/Reader to run in Win8 Compatibility mode.
    • Do this by right clicking the launch icon for Acrobat/Reader and selecting Properties>Compatibility>Compatibility mode>Run this program in compatibility mode for: Windows 8


  • Configure Acrobat/Reader to run without AppContainer:
    • Force-close FileOpenBroker64.exe from the task bar and re-start Acrobat/Reader. Dismiss the message from the FileOpen Client.
    • Open Acrobat/Reader and from Menu>Preferences>Security (Enahnced)>Sandbox Protections and unchecking the box “Run in AppContainer.”
    • Re-launch C:\Program Files\FileOpen\Services\FileOpenBroker64.exe
    • Re-load Acrobat/Reader.


Both of these disable the AppContainer functionality. The first is a lot simpler to implement, does not require admin privileges, and can be done for all users via administrative tools.


We will update this page and our blog when we have more information and/or the issue has been resolved.