FileOpen Sharebot for Slack: Help


Readme.txt for Sharebot Version 1.0
What is FileOpen Sharebot?
What is FileOpen Systems?
Doesn't Slack already have a PDF viewer?
Why only PDF?
What is the Sharebot app, what permissions does it need?
What can I do with Sharebot?
What will I be able to do with Sharebot in the future?
How does Sharebot work?
Can Sharebot documents be revoked?
Can permissions be changed after documents have been delivered?

Monitor Activity

Administrators have visibility into all document activity. Revoke access or modify rules.

Set up policies

Administrators define the available policies (print/annotate/edit/copy text)]

Control Identities

Control Identities from within Slack. File permissions are set by Slack Permissions.

FileOpen Sharebot for Slack protects your organization’s sensitive documents by limiting access to users with the correct Slack identities.

Manage Documents From Slack Channels

Limit document sharing and usage to specific Slack Workspaces, Channels, or Users.  Sharebot also provides a full-featured in-browser PDF viewer initialized using Sign-in-with-Slack. Access to documents is determined by the user’s Slack UserID and/or membership in a Channel or Workspace.




Grant Access to Documents From within Slack

Using FileOpen Sharebot for Slack you can:

  • Control PDFs when uploaded to Slack or PDFs already stored within Slack.
  • Get notification every time your PDF is opened telling you which user opened it.
  • Revoke any PDF at any time.
  • Change access by adding/removing users from Workgroups or Channels.

Keep sensitive documents safe in Slack!

Control documents without interrupting your workflow


Access Control

Protect PDF files uploaded to Slack by limiting access to specific end-users or members of a Channel or Workspace. Prevent downloading/extracting. Do this for selected files or automatically for all files. Change or revoke permission after distribution.

Track Usage:

Sharebot notifies the file owner each time the file is accessed and maintains a complete record of all actions related to that file.


Each time a document is opened, the user’s name and other information can be imposed onto each page. Different users opening the same document get personalized watermarks.

Upgraded Viewer

The FileOpen Sharebot viewer extends the functionality of the native Slack PDF viewer, adding tools to annotate, link, measure, edit and print (if permitted).

Powerful document security that anyone can use.


Monitor Activity

Administrators have visibility into all document activity. Revoke access or modify rules.

Set up policies

Administrators define the available policies (print/annotate/edit/copy text)]

Control Identities

Control Identities from within Slack. File permissions are set by Slack Permissions.

Files remain in Slack

Sharebot locks files to Slack your files can only be accessed from your Workspace.